EVs and Nutrition

Despite advances in the understanding of nutrition and the digestive system, some related diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, are on the rise, contributed by poor appetite control and imbalances in intestinal microorganisms.

Recent research shows that extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in the gut microbiome and nutrition. These vesicles carry molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and glycans, that influence physiological processes. The composition of EV surfaces may influence how they interact with cells, and are covered in glycoconjugates, which may affect their targeting to cells. These properties can affect how EVs function and provide use for disease markers.

EVs and Nutrition

Despite advances in the understanding of nutrition and the digestive system, some related diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, are on the rise, contributed by poor appetite control and imbalances in intestinal microorganisms.

Recent research shows that extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in the gut microbiome and nutrition. These vesicles carry molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and glycans, that influence physiological processes. The composition of EV surfaces may influence how they interact with cells, and are covered in glycoconjugates, which may affect their targeting to cells. These properties can affect how EVs function and provide use for disease markers.

The project’s approach to achieving these challenging objectives

The NutriEV project investigates the interplay between food-derived EVs, the gut microbiome, and their health impacts. These EVs can traverse biological barriers, reaching systemic circulation and possibly distant organs and the skin, thus offering potential biosensing technology. By leveraging these interactions, the objective of the project is to develop innovative strategies for preventing and treating nutrition-related diseases.

NutriEV focuses on nutritional EVs (nutriEVs) found in raw and fermented foods, exploring their effects on the gut microbiome, immune system, and metabolic health through in vitro (organoids) and in vivo (mice and humans) studies.

The ultimate goal of the project is to establish a new field of nutritional medicine centred on nutriEVs as crucial food components, aiding in the development of health-conscious food products.


Work focus

NutriEV Research

The NutriEV project aims to examine the role of nutriEVs, focusing on their glycan components and their effects on gut health, immune system responses, and metabolic regulation in obesity, using both in vitro and in vivo models.

Clinical Trials

Conduct clinical trials to gather evidence on the effects of nutriEVs on metabolic disorders, facilitating the advancement of nutritional medicine.

Understanding Gut Dynamics

Aim to enhance understanding of how nutriEVs influence the gut microbiome and systemic metabolic reprogramming, particularly how they can transport molecular cargo across biological barriers.

Nutritional Biosensing

Based on the capacities of the EVs to cross the biological barriers, they may serve as candidates to develop novel biosensors.

Innovative Food Products

Provide insights into developing food products that incorporate nutriEVs, contributing to health-conscious reformulations in the food industry.